

In addition to our podcast, we recommend these resources. 

Glaucoma Patient Summit

The 6th annual Glaucoma Patient Summit, hosted by Glaucoma Research Foundation, will highlight advances in treatment options and provide practical information to help patients and caregivers understand and live with glaucoma. This year, the event will take place over two days. On Friday, June 28th, you have the option to register for one of three small group seminars that will focus on specific topics. The day will end with our welcome reception and exhibit hall for all summit attendees. On Saturday, June 29th, the general session will include presentations and panel discussions with leading glaucoma specialists, patients and caregivers. This is an in-person event only with no live virtual option. Sessions held on June 29th will be video taped and available on our website following the event.

Register here

Home Safety for Older Adults: A Comprehensive Guide 2023

As we age, it’s common for vision problems to pop up, and while it's widely understood that trips and falls pose a significant concern for older folks, many might not realize the full spectrum of potential household hazards that can amplify safety risks. The guide, created by NCOA, includes a wide variety of practical tips and recommendations from older adult safety experts. Topics include exterior home safety, accessibility of everyday items, and products to help older adults age in place safely.

Find the Comprehensive Guide here

The Johnson Laboratory at the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute

Dr. Thomas Johnson is a neuroscientist and glaucoma specialist at the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute. In addition to treating children and adults with glaucoma, he leads an expert team of diverse scientific and clinical investigators who, together, are working to better understand why patients with glaucoma lose vision, how we can prevent it, and how we can reverse it.

Learn more here

A Woman's Journey Webcast

Since 1995, Johns Hopkins Medicine’s annual women’s health program A Woman's Journey provides new and compelling information about important issues affecting women's health. Through a selection of seminars presented exclusively by Hopkins faculty physicians, participants are able to hear first-hand about advances in medicine from the individuals performing the research, all the while interacting with a diverse group of attendees.

Listen to previous webcasts here

It Happened to Me Podcast

Patient advocates Cathy Gildenhorn and Beth Glassman share their medical challenges living with rare diseases and are joined by fellow advocates and experts. Our very own host of Diagnosis Glaucoma, Dr. Mona Kaleem, is featured in Episode 6. Dr. Kaleem shares her expertise about risk factors, screening, diagnosis, resources, development, and treatment for glaucoma.

You can also listen to Episode 35 of Diagnosis Glaucoma, where Beth Glassman provides insight on glaucoma from a patient's perspective.

Listen to Episode 6 here. Visit their website for more information. 

Glaucoma: What Every Patient Should Know

This patient-oriented guide, written by Dr. Harry Quigley and Dr. Mona Kaleem, gives authoritative answers, easily understood explanations, helpful suggestions, and lifestyle advice to patients with glaucoma.

Wilmer Eye Institute

The Glaucoma Division at the Wilmer Eye Institute offers the latest in comprehensive glaucoma care, treatments and second opinion consultations to patients of all ages and for all forms of glaucoma, whether primary or related to complex eye problems.

Visit their website for more information. 

American Glaucoma Society

Clinical and scientific information for the benefit of patients, colleagues, fellows and residents.

Visit their website for more information. 

American Academy of Ophthalmology
What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye’s optic nerve. It usually happens when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. That extra fluid increases the pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve."

Visit their website for more information. 

World Glaucoma Association
The Global Glaucoma Network

Unbiased glaucoma information for the general public, patients, and their loved ones using easily accessible language in a user-friendly platform

Visit their website for more information. 

Glaucoma - Johns Hopkins Medicine

"What is Glaucoma?" from our expert, Dr. Kaleem.

Find the full article here

Help for Breastfeeding Mothers with Glaucoma

Sarah Quigley is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

Visit her website for more services and resources. 

Recommendations for Lighting in the Home

Remain independent, promote wellness, enjoy hobbies, and keep safe with these tips from the Illuminating Engineering Society.

Find more information in this article

Hadley Vision Resources

The mission of Hadley is to create personalized learning opportunities that empower adults with vision loss or blindness to thrive - at home, at work, and in their communities.

Visit their website to learn more. 

Glaucoma Australia - Saving Sight

Glaucoma Australia is dedicated to providing sight saving education, support and advocacy to people with glaucoma and their families.

Visit their website to learn more.

A Woman's Journey: Insights that Matter
Low Vision: Rehabilitation and Gaining Independence

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, more than 2.9 million Americans age 40 and older have low vision, which is defined as best-corrected visual acuity worse than 20/40. Moderator Lillie Shockney is joined by two guests discussing gaining independence in the presence of vision loss. First guest is optometrist, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Rehabilitation Medicine, and the director of the Lions Vision Research and Rehabilitation Center at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Judith Goldstein. Our second guest is Ms. Beth Glassman, a patient of Dr. Goldstein sharing how the Low Vision services helped improve her life.

Visit their website to learn more. 

Living with Glaucoma: Tips on Quality of Life from Mona Kaleem, MD

Dr. Mona Kaleem is an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at the Wilmer Eye Institute who has developed a reputation for teaching others about how to live a better life with glaucoma, often incorporating her knowledge of integrative medicine into the discussion.

This video is produced by Glaucoma Research Foundation.

Visit their website to learn more.